June Newsletter-Summer is Here
Is the housing market starting to cool? Typically in the summer months, sale volume peaks around June- July. Current market data is yet to show a slowing in the price appreciation or volume. The numbers below are for May. Next month's newsletter will have the numbers...
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How do appraisers adjust for time in rapidly increasing markets?
If you are like me, you are probably tired of hearing the word “unprecedented”. How many times have we said it or read it this past year? What is another word we can use? Remarkable? Extraordinary? Phenomenal? However we describe it, we are currently experiencing rapidly appreciating real estate...
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May Newsletter- Rural Counties Surge
We've seen double digit price growth and supply decline, especially in our rural market areas. Check out this month's newsletter for all the stats!...
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What to Wear?
No this hasn’t suddenly become a fashion blog. This is really for my fellow female appraisers. My apologies guys, some of this might apply to you, but I am really speaking to the gals. The question as to how to dress as an appraiser comes up often so I...
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15 Years of Appraising
This month marks my 15th year of real estate appraising. I clearly remember how nervous I was to quit my teaching job and a steady paycheck to join my husband in his business. ...
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April Newsletter-All Time Low Supply Creating Bidding Wars
Neither the winter storm nor the pandemic has slowed down the housing market as the demand is greater than the supply of homes. The current supply of homes is as low as we have seen as far back as our data goes. Buyers that can't find...
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Thawing Out- February/March Newsletter
We have been publishing this monthly newsletter since 2016. We apologize as we did not get last month’s newsletter out as we were hit with unexpected challenges related to the Texas Winter Storm that impacted our entire state as well as other parts of the US. We, like many,...
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Texas Weather Emergency
Our offices are currently closed as we are experiencing a Texas weather emergency. The power grid in Texas was not prepared for the cold weather we have been experiencing. Our office has been without power since yesterday, (Monday) 6:30 am. Temperatures dropped to – 6 degrees last night. There...
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January Newsletter – 2020 Recap
Now that 2020 is in our rearview mirror, we can take a look back and review it. I think we can all agree that this time last year, we had no idea what we were in for. We couldn’t have predicted a pandemic that would disrupt everything in our...
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December Newsletter- Goodbye 2020
Goodbye, 2020! I think that we can all agree that this year has been unlike any that we have experienced and no one saw it coming. As real estate appraisers, we analyze markets, and this year has proved the difficulty of predicting what markets will do....
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